H&LP is sensitized with the actual floating market behavior whether in fiscal, legal or financial aspects that change the systematic or specific risks of our clients business, for that reason all the decisions are made with conservative basis in order to provide a safe maximum return for a minimum risk.
In the investors perspective there are some variables that weight more in the decision taking, for that reason all the information is collected and treated with the use of special programs and methodologies more suitable for each case.
The company approaches each process by analyzing qualitative and quantitative variables, using methods of market research, forecast methods, legal, fiscal and financial frames, potential unexpected aspects, execution costs and commercialization, applying all this information in scenario simulation giving the client the opportunity to change the risk and the return in order to obtain maximum satisfaction.
In order to maintain a good ratio risk/return, the company also provides a observational method service that consists in following the business implementation trying to change characteristics that can that in account any other unexpected variable that may appear in the systematics risk frames, like a change triggered by a bank or Public Administration Decisions.